Claiming guardianship of an elderly parent

More often than not, guardianship congers images of a minor child in the care of a designated adult family member or friend. However, you can employ the process to obtain legal rights over elderly or aging adults, usually parents, who are losing their physical and mental health capacities. While the process is similar, there are some distinct differences when considering elderly guardianship. Very careful consideration is necessary to determine if guardianship in all of its complexities is the route to take to best protect your aging loved one.
In the absence of a medical power of attorney and a financial power of attorney previously put in place by your parent, elderly guardianship begins with obtaining a physician’s certificate or doctor’s letter. This letter will state that the elder parent cannot care for themselves, perform activities of daily living, or make rational decisions.
This moment in time is difficult for an aging parent who may not see their decline. Often, a trigger for adult children to begin guardianship consideration is an aging parent’s determination to continue driving when they are in no condition to operate a vehicle safely. There are other determiners, but all of them point to a parent’s loss of control and independence over their lives. Be prepared that many will fight to retain their independence.
The guardianship petition via a court of general jurisdiction (in Maryland, the Circuit Court in the County where the alleged disabled person resides and in the District of Columbia, the Superior Court) is a fairly standard procedure. The guardianship proceedings will determine whether you are fit to become a guardian.
Notifications to the alleged disabled person and their family member (with an interest in the proceeds) is a legal requirement. All family members and other interested parties with the legal right to know about the petition for guardianship must receive notification of the application filing. Typically these family members are laid out in the estate code but may also depend on which family members survive and are readily contactable.
Less restrictive alternatives to guardianships do exist.
- Power of Attorney – grants a person the right to make financial decisions if you become incapacitated. This legal document is usually done by the elderly parent when they put together their estate planning documents.
- Medical Power of Attorney – grants a person responsible for all health and medical-related decisions of the incapacitated person.
Naming these power of attorney representatives is a personal decision that does not require court involvement. They are more cost-effective than the guardianship process and permit your aging parent a bit more control over who takes care of them. Other less restrictive alternatives to guardianship exist and are situational dependent upon your loved one. In the absence of feasible alternatives, it may well be guardianship is the best solution for your loved one.
When you file for guardianship, the court is legally bound to appoint an attorney to represent the alleged disabled person, your loved one. Known as the Attorney Ad Litem, her or she will represent the alleged disabled person as though hired to do so even though they are court-appointed. The Attorney Ad Litem’s job is to do what their client, the alleged disabled person, wants. If the court or appointed attorney feels more investigation is required, a Guardian Ad Litem may also be appointed. Though the language may be confusing, this person is NOT the guardian but a court appointee acting as the court’s eyes and ears. This individual’s task is not to do what the alleged disabled person wants but rather to determine and make recommendations as to what is in the alleged disabled person’s best interest.
Elderly guardianship, sometimes called elderly conservatorship, can be a very effective tool to protect your aging parent who is no longer physically or mentally up to the job of self-care. Whether or not guardianship is right for your family system requires consultation with an experienced guardianship attorney. There may be more cost-effective methods for you to achieve similar goals of elderly parent protection. When parents create their estate plan, proactive family involvement can often lead to simplified solutions. Still, there are times when guardianship is necessary and appropriate for the welfare of your aging parent. Call Andre O. McDonald, a knowledgeable Howard County, Montgomery County and District of Columbia estate planning, special-needs planning and Medicaid planning attorney, at (443) 741-1088; (301) 941-7809 or (202) 640-2133 to schedule a no obligation consultation to discuss whether guardianship is the right option for your love one.