Tag Archives: Medicare

Qualifying for Medicaid: A Five Year Look-Back Without Penalties
Nearly everyone will need long-term care at some point in their lives, so planning is vital. While we cannot predict the timing or level of care, we can take steps to prepare for an unexpected medical and financial crisis to help reduce the stress on ourselves and our family members. The cost of care… Read More »

Tips for Discussing Medical and Financial Issues with Your Aging Parents
Your parents are getting on in age, but you don’t have a clear idea if there is a plan in place for their care. It is a difficult topic to broach; no one wants to talk about death and the financial realities that come with aging. Instead of having a proactive conversation with your… Read More »

Medicare vs. Medicaid: What’s the Difference?
Medicare and Medicaid have long been a mystery to many consumers. In fact, it can baffle and confuse even some of the smartest citizens. Like me, you might have thought, “I don’t need to worry about this right now.” However, it is never too early to gain a little understanding and awareness that just… Read More »

Aging.gov: A New Resource for Older Americans and Their Families
More than 10,000 people turn 65 in the U.S. every day according to Aging.gov (http://www.hhs.gov/aging/), a website launched by the Obama administration devoted to elder law issues. The goal of this website is to act as gateway for older Americans and their families, friends and caregivers to locate information about leading a healthy lifestyle,… Read More »